Natural coffee


Single Origin ~ 100% Arabica

Microlot ~ Las Torres 2023

Proces ~ Natural

Variety ~ Villalobos

Profiel ~ De bonen zijn licht gebrand om de unieke eigenschappen van de koffie-oorsprong te behouden.

Smaken ~ Een samenspel van aardse tonen met een bitterzoete chocoladesmaak

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Info voor koffie aficionados:


Natural proces

This process involves drying the coffee cherries whole, allowing the fruit to ferment and impart unique fruity favors to the beans. The bean variety Villalobos was discovered in Costa Rica in the 1950s and has subsequently undergone pedigree selection to thrive in high altitudes and resistant to diseases. This variety gives the coffee its caramelized avour.


Café Rivense del Chirripó

We proudly work with the Rivense family who has been growing coffee for four generations near the highest mountain peak in Costa Rica of Chirripo.


Arabica (Catuai)

Arabica coffee plants are grown under a canopy of trees, promoting biodiversity, preserving habitats for birds and other wildlife, and aiding soil conservation.

Micro Lot 

Las Torres 

Coffee beans are grown in small batches in specifc, carefully tended areas, allowing for more attention to cultivation, harvesting, and processing, which often results in unique favor profiles. They are grown at altitudes of 1500 - 1800m.

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